This Diary Belongs to John Becker
of Lowville, Lewis Co., NY
January Monday, 1 1866
it was very mild today. I was threshing oats all day.
I did not milk tonight. There is a dance down to Skinners.
Tuesday, 2
It was very pleasant today, a little incline to thaw. I was threshing oats all day.
It threshes rather hard. Crist was down to Center.
Wednesday, 3
it was a little colder today the wind blowing from the east.
i bin threshing oats all day. Thomas Waters was here.
January Thursday, 4 1866
it was a very cold day. I was threshing oats all day.
It did not thresh quite so hard. At night up to Abe Fox.
Friday, 5
Today it has bin cold and stormy.
It snowed quite hard about one o'clock.
This morning I got up and went to Taburg.
Saturday, 6
It was a kind of a windy day today. I finished threshing oats today.
I have bin to Section and to Abe Fox tonight.
January Sunday, 7 1866
I think it was the coldes day that we have had this winter.
The wind blew very hard from the north west.
i played chest.
Monday, 8
it was very cold today. I have bin cleaning up the oats.
It was just forty bushels. In the afternoon I made a hay rack on the slay.
Tuesday, 9
It was a little warmer today. This morning we took Abe Foxes faining mill home.
drawed one load of hay and two in the afternoon.
January Wednesday, 10 1866
This morning it was not so very cold. i went to duch Settelment after a load of shingle timber.
Thursday, 11
it was this morning rainy but it cleared up. About noon I went after one load of shingle blocks.
in the afternoon i drawed two loads.
Friday, 12
it was a kind of windy day, it snowed some.
I was chopping wood all day. I chopped about one cord.
January Saturday, 13 1866
it was rainy today. the snow is almost all gone.
i was sawing stove wood all day. went to Rome with a load.
Sunday, 14
it was very cold today.
This morning i went after the doctor down to taburgh.
sowd my boot today.
Monday, 15
it was very cold today. I was choping stove wood all day.
Crist was drawing wood all day fine
January Tuesday, 16 1866
it has bin very stormy today. Snowed all day.
I put some buffalo skin on the horse harness. I was down to centre.
Wednesday, 17
This morning the wind blew quiet hard and snowed some.
about noon it cleared up and was quiet warm. I choped some wood.
Thursday, 18
Today it was very pleasant and warm.
I have bin a chopping stove wood all day. I chopped one cord an a quarter.
January Friday, 19 1866
Today it has bin cloudy and it has rained soom. it was very warm to.
I have bin chopping soom wood. I had to do chores.
Saturday, 20
Today i went down in the lot to chop some wood but it comense to rain
and I was forced to come up to the house and saw some wood.
Sunday, 21
The wind blew very hard today. it snowed a very little today.
I did not do anything except I read a little. The stars are shining.
January Monday, 22 1866
The wind still blows very hard and it has bin very cold today.
I was up to the upper woods choping stove wood all day. no snow.
Tuesday, 23
The weather has changed considerable. it has bin quiet warm today.
this morning I finished choping the big maple in.
Wednesday, 24
It has been quite mild today.
I was up in the woods chopping four foot wood.
I was up in the woods chopping four foot wood.
tonight the wind blows.
January Thursday, 25 1866
It snowed and the wind blows very hard.
I have been sorting potatoes all day down in the cellar.
I have been sorting potatoes all day down in the cellar.
Tonight it looks as if it clears.
Friday, 26
It snowed a little today and was cloudy all day long.
I was up to the woods chopping stove wood.
I was up to the woods chopping stove wood.
It did split a kind of hard.
Saturday, 27
I have been chopping some stove wood and helped Crist split one load of hemlock wood.
It was very pleasant and the stars are bright.
January Sunday, 28 1866
It was very pleasant today.
This morning I went over to Charles Fox and had my hair cut
This morning I went over to Charles Fox and had my hair cut
come home done the chores and went down Taburgh.
Monday, 29
Today it has been very pleasant and warm.
I have been sawing wood all day.
I have been sawing wood all day.
Crist went to Rome with a load of wood.
A beautiful night.
A beautiful night.
Tuesday, 30
It rained and showed together today.
I was a tinkering around the house today.
I was a tinkering around the house today.
I shaved some shingles split wood.
January Wednesday, 31 1866
This morning it snowed about two inches and stopped.
It is quiet warm.
It is quiet warm.
I shaved some shingle today and splited a little wood.
Played chess.
February Thursday, 1 1866
Today it was very blustery.
The wind blowed hard and the snow flew in wild desolation.
I went in the twice today. It clear up.
Friday, 2
It stormed a little.
Today I was to Rome with a load of green wood.
Got home about dark. Crist and I played a game.
February Saturday, 3 1866
It stormed very hard.
The snow flew in every direction.
This morning I kept myself busy shaving shingles.
This afternoon I sawed a little wood.
Sunday, 4
It storms still as bad as ever.
The wind has been a blowing all day and I think it will blow all night long.
I stayed at home all day.
Monday, 5
It has been very cold today.
This morning I sawed a little wood.
This afternoon I went in the woods and got two loads of wood.
February Tuesday, 6 1866
It has stormed very hard until about three o'clock in the afternoon.
This morning I tried to get in the woods with the team but the roads was drifted.
Wednesday, 7
The east wind has been a blowing all day.
It has been very cold.
I have been drawing wood.
I drawed one load of dry and two loads of green.
Thursday, 8
It has been very pleasant during the day.
Tonight is a snowing very fast.
I have made two bolsters for the sleigh to draw logs.
February Friday, 9 1866
It has been very warm.
Tonight the east wind is a blowing very hard.
I shaved some shingles today and sawed some wood.
I think it is a going to rain.
Saturday, 10
It has been very warm.
I have been a sawing wood all day.
I had to do the chores.
Crist has been to Rome with a load of wood.
It is a raining to night.
Sunday, 11
It has rained most all day long.
Crist and I went over to the Irish Settlement to look after some saw logs.
We stayed to his brothers.
February Monday, 12 1866
It has been a snowing all day.
This morning we drawed one load of hay from the upper place
and made a pair of bars.
I packed some shingles this afternoon.
Tuesday, 13
It has been very pleasant today.
This morning I finished packing a bunch of shingles.
Sawed some wood this afternoon.
Good night.
Wednesday, 14
It has been very stormy. The wind blew very hard.
This morning I started to go after some saw logs but I had to give it up.
Shaved some shingles.
February Thursday, 15 1866
It has been very stormy.
Tonight the wind is a changing.
I shelled about four bushels of corn.
This forenoon I shaved a few shingles.
Friday, 16
It has been very cold today.
This morning I kept myself busy shoveling snow and working around the house.
This afternoon I went to the grist mill.
Saturday, 17
It has been very pleasant although a little cold.
This morning I shaved a few shingles.
This afternoon I kept myself busy drawing wood.
February Sunday, 18 1866
This morning it was quiet pleasant.
About one o'clock it begun to snow and it blowed ever since.
I took Jessy home today.
Monday, 19
It rained some this morning but it cleared off and I went a drawing wood.
I had rather a hard time of it.
The snow is so deep that the horse does not go.
Tuesday, 20
This morning it was pleasant.
About three o'clock it begun to storm very hard.
I drawed only three loads of wood.
Today I chopped some every load.
February Wednesday, 21 1866
It was very pleasant.
I have been a chopping wood back of the house.
Crist went to Rome and I had to do the chores.
Thursday, 22
It has been very pleasant.
I was drawing hay.
We drawed five loads.
We upset with the first load.
There is a dance down Lee Center.
Friday, 23
The weather still hold on pleasant.
The sleighing is about whipped.
We finished drawing hay.
Drawed one load of wood.
February Saturday, 24 1866
It has rained most all day long.
I have been a sawing wood.
Tonight it is a little colder has snowed very little.
Bon nuit.
Sunday, 25
It has been a very stormy blustering day.
I have been to home all day.
I played one game of chess with Crist and got beat bad.
Monday, 26
This has been the coldest day we have had for quite a while.
I have been over to Bowmen after some saw logs.
I drawed one log.
February Tuesday, 27 1866
This morning it was quite stormy.
It cleared off about 10 o'clock.
I was drawing logs.
I drawed two loads.
It is warm too.
Wednesday, 28
It has been very pleasant.
Today it was quite warm.
I was drawing logs.
I drawed four logs.
Got home about four o'clock.
March Thursday, 1
It was cloudy and windy all day long.
I have been a drawing logs.
I drawed two loads.
The road is getting rather poor now.
March Friday, 2 1866
It was cloudy and looks some like rain.
I have been drawing logs.
I drawed six logs to three loads.
I think we have a storm.
Saturday, 3
It rained a little this morning.
About 9 o'clock it cleared off.
It was very warm.
The rest of the day I was a chopping wood.
Sunday, 4
The weather has changed.
It snowed hard all day long.
I have been staying at home.
Done the chores.
Read a little of everything.
March Monday, 5 1866
The wind has been a blowing and
the roads are getting pretty well fill up.
I finished drawing logs.
I brought one load home.
Tuesday, 6
The wind blowed very hard all day.
I have been drawing lumber.
I drawed two loads together about twelve hundred feet.
I was to Center.
Wednesday, 7
The wind still is blowing very hard.
It has snowed very little.
Today I have been drawing lumber.
I drawed two loads. Got back about 3 o'clock.
March Thursday, 8 1866
It has been very cold and the wind blew all day long.
I was a drawing logs.
I drawed four loads.
Two logs to each load.
Friday, 9
The wind still is a blowing and it is very cold.
I was drawing logs today.
I have had very good luck.
So far nothing happens.
Saturday, 10
Today it had been calm and a little milder than it has this week.
I was drawing logs.
I only drawed three load come home.
March Sunday, 11 1866
It has been stormy all day.
It has snowed about six inches.
I have come home last night this I had to go back.
Monday, 12
It has been very mild.
It is a thawing pretty fast.
I have been a drawing logs.
I took only one log to a load.
The sleighing is a breaking.
Tuesday, 13
It has rained most of the day.
I only drawed two loads today.
One of the horses lost one shoe.
I took her to the Back ferry shop.
March Wednesday, 14 1866
It was calm today and very mild.
I settled up with C. H. Waters.
Due on settlement $9.00 cents.
Went to Rome and had my photograph taken by Harvey.
Thursday, 15
It was cloudy.
It rained very hard this afternoon.
I have been up to Wm. McDougal after my gaiters.
They are all worn out.
Clare Rogers broke his arm.
Friday, 16
It was rainy most of the day.
This morning I water.
Went to Lee Corners to take the stage to Lowville.
I had to stay here all night.
The stage had too many passengers.
March Saturday, 17 1866
Last night it snowed about two inches.
About nine o'clock this morning it begun to storm most awful hard.
It lasted all day.
I went to Turin.
Sunday, 18
The stage did not get through last night so I had to stay over again.
I stayed here last night.
The stage came along this morning about ten o'clock
so I went to Lowville.
Monday, 19
It has been very pleasant today. I went up to MJ Willson to dinner
Then went up to see Jones.
Come back and stayed all night.
March Tuesday, 20 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
I left Lowville and came to Croghan.
Stayed all night.
I am a going up to John Rocks.
Wednesday, 21
I came up to John Rock's.
Stayed all day.
Tonight I took John over the river.
It was about half past one o'clock when we came back.
It was very pleasant.
Thursday, 22
It was very pleasant.
I have done John's chores today and stayed to home all day.
Sawed a little wood.
The moon is a shining bright.
March Friday, 23 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
Yesterday I took the horses.
Went down to the French Settlement
had the horses rigged up.
Saturday, 24
Today it has been very pleasant.
I done the chores this morning.
This afternoon I went a visiting.
Come home.
Sunday, 25
Today it snowed very hard.
Today I done the chores
harnessed up the horses
and went to the Settlement to the church.
March Monday, 26 1866
I'm home all day.
John is as yet not here.
It is a little cold.
I done nothing except the chores and sawed a little wood.
Tuesday, 27
This morning after I had the chores all done
I harnessed up the horses.
I was a going over to Lowville after John and his brother.
Wednesday, 28
I had nothing to do except to fool around.
I went up to Pilos today with John's brother.
I came back with horses.
March Thursday, 29 1866
It has snowed some today.
This morning I went to the Settlement.
Afterward I took Henry's horse and did go to Lowville.
Friday, 30
I stayed all night to Uncle Henry's.
This afternoon I went up to Uncle John's to help him draw hay.
It has been very pleasant today.
Saturday, 31
It has been very pleasant today.
I drawed two loads of hay this forenoon
and sawed some wood this afternoon.
April Sunday, 1 1866
This morning it snowed a little but it stopped and was very nice
and went to Croghan and stayed all day.
Monday, 2
It has been very cloudy today.
I stayed last night down here.
There has been a meeting here today.
There is a ball here tonight.
Tuesday, 3
It is very pleasant today.
The ball went off very nice.
There was twenty-one tickets out.
I am very tired tonight.
I did not go to bed.
April Wednesday, 4 1866
Last night I stayed to Uncle Henry.
George and I went up to Belfort all right.
Thursday, 5
Last night I came to Kieffers.
This morning I begun to chop in the swamp.
It did not go very well.
Good night.
Friday, 6
Today it has been very nice weather.
I have been a chopping in the woods all day.
There was not much sap.
April Saturday, 7 1866
I have been a chopping all day.
It did go a little better today.
Was not quite so tired.
Good weather.
Sunday, 8
Everything is bare by today.
The sun is a shining very bright.
There is no meeting today so I have to busy myself at home.
Monday, 9
It has been very nice today.
I am still a chopping.
There is a holiday I did not see anybody keep so I chopped all day.
April Tuesday, 10 1866
It has been cloudy all day long and the south wind is a blowing.
I drawed four wagon loads of manure good.
Wednesday, 11
It is still cloudy tonight and has been so all day.
Chopped in the woods.
This noon we fixed the pump.
I am tired.
Thursday, 12
It has been very pleasant.
The sun has been a shining very warm all day.
I have been a chopping in the woods.
April Friday, 13 1866
I have been a chopping wood.
Today it has been very warm.
There was not much sap today.
Saturday, 14
I chopped all day in the woods.
Kieffer is gone over to Lowville.
Today it has been very warm.
I am very tired.
Sunday, 15
This has been a very fine day.
I have been to meeting today in the Settlement.
The road is very muddy and wet.
April Monday, 16 1866
I have changed work from chopping to plowing.
It has been a very nice day.
I am a getting along.
Tuesday, 17
It looks some like rain today.
I been a plowing greensort.
This noon went up after a load of hay up to the flats.
Wednesday, 18
It has been very cloudy.
The rain still kept off.
I plough this forenoon and drawed manure this afternoon.
April Thursday, 19 1866
I took out a good many stumps today.
I begun a new piece to plough.
There are a good many stumps.
Friday, 20
I have been a ploughing all day. This noon I went after a load of hay.
The wind is a blowing very hard.
Saturday, 21
Last night It rained very hard. It cleared off this morning.
I been a ploughing this afternoon.
This forenoon manure.
April Sunday, 22 1866
It has been a very nice day.
I have been to the Settlement to meeting.
I did not stay in the afternoon meeting.
Monday, 23
Today it has been cloudy and windy.
It sort of was a going to snow.
I have been a plowing.
It did not go very well.
Tuesday, 24
It snowed some this afternoon.
I plowed this forenoon and shaved shingles this afternoon.
It is cloudy still.
April Wednesday, 25 1866
It snowed all day.
I sawed some wood this forenoon and killed a calf.
This afternoon went after a load of hay.
Thursday, 26
It cleared off but it is still cold.
I was a plowing today for Nick Cornellier.
It went very well.
Got home about sundown.
Friday, 27
The wind has been a blowing all day and has been very cold.
I was a plowing this fornoon.
This afternoon I dragged.
April Saturday, 28 1866
Today it has been very warm.
I was a dragging all day.
I brought a load of hay home tonight.
Sunday, 29
It has been a pleasant day.
I went over to Jo Bush but he was not at home
so I went up to John J. Bush.
Monday, 30
It has been cold today.
I had to drag all day on the upper farm.
I did not come home to dinner.
May Tuesday, 1 1866
It still keeps on cold.
Today I was a drawing manure this forenoon
and plowed this afternoon.
Wednesday, 2
It has been awful cold.
Today I was a plowing this forenoon
and furrowed this afternoon got done 7 o'clock.
Thursday, 3
It was a kind of a rainy day.
I did not do much of anything.
I shave a few shingles and sawed some wood
and done the chores.
May Friday, 4 1866
The has been a blowing all day.
It has cleared up. I was a plowing all day.
I dug out four stumps.
Saturday, 5
It has been a very pleasant day.
This morning I hitched up Nelly to go after Nick Cornellier's horse
but I met him on the road.
Sunday, 6
This has been a pleasant day.
I went to Croghan this morning.
There was no meeting today.
The minister did not get back.
May Monday, 7 1866
Today it has been very fine weather.
I commence to work for John Boshart for
twenty dollars a month, 8 months.
Tuesday, 8
The weather still hold off good for springs works.
I have been a dragging these two days.
I finished one piece about ten o'clock.
Wednesday, 9
This morning it was very warm.
About ten o'clock it begun to cloud up.
It did sprinkle a little.
I cultivated the potato ground.
May Thursday, 10, 1866
It cleared up last night.
I was a picking up stone yesterday afternoon and today.
Got through about 5 o'clock.
Friday, 11
Today it was pretty warm. I was a rolling the barley piece.
This forenoon I begun the last piece that we have to plow.
Good night.
Saturday, 12
It has been most awful warm today. I was a plowing all day.
This morning I went after Alfred Buel's plow. It goes better.
May Sunday, 13 1866
It has been a wet day. It rained all day long.
I stayed at home all day. John Sneider's man was here this afternoon.
Monday, 14
It has been very pleasant today.
I have been a plowing the last for this spring.
Got through about four o'clock so I dragged until milking time.
Tuesday, 15
The weather has changed.
It is a growing colder and it is a clouding up.
I think it is a going to rain. I have been to Lowville tonight.
All is well.
May Wednesday, 16 1866
It cleared up last night.
I was a picking stone yesterday afternoon and today.
Just finished about five o'clock.
Thursday, 17
Today it has been as very nice day
warm and pleasant to be outdoors.
I was a rolling the barley piece and drawed one load of rails from the other place.
Friday, 18
It has been a pleasant day. I was a fixing fence and drawed some rails.
I had to cross the creek four times. It was deep.
May Saturday, 10 1866
It has been a very warm day. The sun has been a shining bright.
This morning I was fixing fence. Made a beatle.
Sunday, 20
Today we have had the warmest weather this spring.
I helped do the chores.
In the afternoon I went down to John Sneiders a little while.
Monday, 21
The wind has been a blowing ever since last night and it is very likly to blow all night long.
We have sowed a piece of wheat over because it did not come up.
May Tuesday, 22 1866
It stormed all day very hard.
I have been a splitting rails to makd a fence.
We split one-hundred and twenty-two.
Wednesday, 23
It has stopped storming. The wind still is a blowing.
I was a working around the house. Made a gate.
In the afternoon I made a bee hive.
Thursday, 24
It has been quite cold today. I was a plowing a piece for corn.
Drawed some manure on it this afternoon.
John is gone to town.
May Friday, 25 1866
It has been cloudy and looks like rain. I finished drawing manure.
I chored around the house this afternoon.
John went on the hill.
Saturday, 26
I have cultivated the corn piece twice over and drag it over.
This afternoon I went over to John Fistom after two picks
and I took Stevens plow home.
Sunday, 27
It rained most all day long. I did not hardly get out of the house.
I wrote a letter this forenoon.
I been a sleep most all the afternoon.
May Monday, 28 1866
This has been a kind of a rainy day.
I was a splitting rails this forenoon.
John came home about ten o'clock. I splitted forty-three rails.
Tuesday, 29
It was sprinkling all day. It did not rain to any effect.
I have been a splitting wood all day.
Lorence is here he and John is gone a fishing.
Wednesday, 30
We measured off a piece of fence that we have to build.
This afternoon I drawed two load of stones.
I went around by Wilson.
Thursday, 31
This morning we laid up three rails height.
This afternoon I was drawing stones and rails for the other side on the same piece.
June Friday, 1 1866
It has been a very pleasant day.
I was a picking up stones for Horace Stevens on the other farm.
The stones stuck pretty well.
Saturday, 2
Today I finished the fence.
Brought home one load of wood had done about noon.
This afternoon I was a splitting wood.
June Sunday, 3 1866
This morning two cows was gone.
John went three miles beyond the French Settlement after one of them.
I stayed at home.
Monday, 4
It made out to rain again today.
I was a fixing up the double harness.
In the afternoon I fixed up a sure iron.
Tuesday, 5
This morning I drawed one load of manure from the barn yard
& had to stop because it begun to rain.
All is well.
June Wednesday, 6 1866
I was a picking over Jesse Brown potatoes.
It rained very hard.
This afternoon we set out 210 of cabbage plants.
Thursday, 7
It has rained very near all day.
I was picking over some potatoes again and splitted a little wood.
The roads are getting muddy.
Friday, 8
It has been rainy. I sorted over some potatoe.
John Sneider was here this afternoon.
John went up on the hill.
June Saturday, 9 1866
The weather has changed.
It is a clearing off.
I drawed five loads of manure and made a fire board for the fireplace.
Sunday, 10
It has been warm and pleasant today.
I have been to home all day.
Nicholas Bush and his sisters was here this afternoon.
Monday, 11
The weather still is fair and pleasant.
I was a hoing corn. It is as yet very small.
John and his wife is gone down to the village.
June Tuesday, 12 1866
It has been cloudy all day. It has rained a little today.
I have been a hoing corn this noon.
I hitched up Jim and went after a load of straw.
Wednesday, 13
This morning it rained a little.
I greased the wagon went after the neep of the wagon greased the single harness.
This afternoon I splitted a little wood.
I did not feel well today.
Thursday, 14
It has been quite warm.
There was a thunder shower this forenoon.
I have been a hoing corn all day.
John and his wife has been down to the village.
June Friday, 15 1866
The wind blew considerable today. Just right to work.
I killed a calf this noon. The rest of the day I was a hoing corn.
Saturday, 16
This morning I finished hoing corn.
Hoed in the garden and put the single harness together.
I had to get the cows in good season.
Sunday, 17
Today the day of rest.
There has been much change in the weather.
It has rained all day without ceasing.
John Nick Bush and John Holt.
June Monday, 18 1866
It has rained all last night and this morning.
I was choring around the house today.
Cleaned the pig pen. Finished sorting the potatoes.
Drawed manure.
Tuesday, 19
It has rained some today.
John traded horses again today with Horace Stevens.
I was a drawing manure.
We stopped working a little latish. Tonight it is a raining still.
Wednesday, 20
It has cleared off. The weather is fair.
John has been over the river.
I had John Sneider's horse to draw manure.
There was some company here this afternoon.
June Thursday, 21 1866
Today it has been very warm.
I was a drawing manure with two wagons.
John loaded and I drove the team today.
Friday, 22
I has rained quite considerable this morning.
It cleared off about noon.
I was a hoing the cabbage and weeded the onion beds aujourd'hui.
Saturday, 23
Aujourd'hui it was very fine weather.
I have been drawing manure with one wagon.
I drove very slow on account of being so warm.
June Sunday, 24 1866
This morning I started about seven o'clock to go over to the French Settlement.
Got home about six o'clock in the afternoon from there.
Monday, 25
It has been cloudy and windy all day long.
I was a working on the road. I plowed and drawed dirt.
We got over quite a piece of our beets.
Tuesday, 26
This morning I got a load of straw to put it in the pig pen.
Afterwards I went to work on the road.
I was the first one out.
June Wednesday, 27 1866
I finished working on the road last night.
Today we started to hoe the potatoes but it began to rain.
Thursday, 28
Today we was a hoing potatoes all day.
John cultivated them and I followed him a hoing.
Been a nice day. I am pretty sick.
Friday, 29
It has been cloudy all day.
My leg pains me most dreadfully today. I think it is a going to rain.
I was a hoing potatoes.
June Saturday, 30 1866
This morning we put the hay rack on to the wagon to draw some straw down to the village.
John drawed two load of it.
July, Sunday, 1 1866
It has rained some.
Yesterday afternoon in the forenoon I finished hoing potatoes.
I have been staying at home all day.
After milking I went to the village.
Monday, 2
It has been a very fine day.
I have been spading out white daisys in the meadow.
They are very thick on some spots.
I have not finished.
July Tuesday, 2 1866
It has been clouding up all day long.
This forenoon I was drawing manure.
This afternoon I was washing the wagon.
Wednesday, 4
It has rained most all day long.
I have been to the village today.
There has been no doings at all today except a few drunken brutes.
Thursday, 5
It has rained most all last night . It has cleared off.
This morning I cultivated ten rows of corn.
Afterward I went a hoing. I have hoed five rows.
July Friday, 6 1866
Today there has been a show down town.
This morning went after John Sneider's horse to draw manure.
I drawed one load.
Saturday, 7
It has made out to rain every day this week but one.
I went after John Sneider this morning to hoe corn.
We hoed it all but two rows.
Sunday, 8
It has been a raining very hard all day long.
I was at home all day.
In the evening I went up to Henry Wellers to see my cousin.
I saw him.
July Monday, 9 1866
It has been very pleasant all day.
I went after John Sneider's horse this morning to draw manure.
I drawed all day.
Tuesday, 10
Today we begun haying it. I has been a very pleasant day.
We begun in the orchard.
I was a mowing all day with the sithe.
Wednesday, 11
My hands feel rather sore this morning as I raised four blisters on them yesterday.
I had to take it slow forking hay today.
July Thursday, 12 1866
This morning Lorence Boshart came to help us this week.
We have commenced in the big lot.
Today we drawed five loads.
Friday, 13
The wind has been a blowing all day.
It tried hard to rain this afternoon but it did not make it out.
We drawed in six load of hay.
Saturday, 14
It has rained a very little last night and it has been cloudy all day so it was a poor hay day.
We drawed in only three loads.
July Sunday, 15 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
I was at home during the day.
In the evening I went down town came home about 10 o'clock.
Monday, 16
Today it has been most awful hot.
It was warm enough to roast a man alive.
Lorence came down with Madison Carter to work at the hay.
Tuesday, 17
I has been cloudy all day long and looks so we was a going to get some rain.
We drawed in seven loads of hay today.
July Wednesday, 18 1866
Last night it has rained considerable.
We spread out some hay this morning and got in one load.
I did not work 1/2 day.
Thursday, 19
Lorence went home last night on account of being so rainy.
Today it has cleared off.
We finished the big meadow and got one load on the other place.
Friday, 20
This morning I went to drawing in hay. Drawed two loads.
John went to the funeral.
John Sneider and I drawed in five loads this afternoon.
July Saturday, 21 1866
John has been a mowing most all day.
I was a raking up the scatterings this morning.
We drawed in four loads today.
Sunday, 22
It has been very pleasant.
Up this evening it rained considerable.
It was a July heavy shower.
I was over to Will Stevens this forenoon.
Monday, 23
It has been raining all the forenoon.
I weeded some onions in the garden this afternoon.
I splitted a little wood and unloaded one load hay.
July Tuesday, 24 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
We got in four load of hay.
Some of it was a little wet yet. _____ father was down here.
Wednesday, 25
We got in one load of hay thiss morning before it begun to rain.
After wards we loaded up a load of straw.
I took it to the village.
Thursday, 26
It cleared up last night and it has been a very fine hay day.
We got in five loads of hay.
I got a letter from home yesterday.
July Friday, 27 1866
It has been very warm today. T
his morning I raked up about five loads.
We drawed in six loads of hay today.
Saturday, 28
We got in one load this morning before it begun to rain.
It rained very hard for about two hours.
I piled up wood in the wood shed.
Sunday, 29
It has cleared off this morning and it has been quite pleasant.
I have been over the river today.
Got home to milk three cows.
July Monday, 30 1866
It has been cloudy all day.
I raked up some scatterings and mowed out some corners of the fences.
Drawed in three loads.
Tuesday, 31
I raked up five loads of hay today and we drawed in two loads.
I broke the fill of the rake and John broke one of the riggings of the wagon today.
August Wednesday, 1 1866
It has been cloudy all day and looked very much like rain.
I was a raking all day long and helped unload.
We finished up one piece today.
Thursday , 2
We drawed in two loads this forenoon before it rained.
John Sneider like to fell off the wagon going after a load of hay.
Friday, 3
The wind has been a blowing all day.
Yesterday and today John has been up on the hill.
This forenoon he got back to draw in two loads.
Saturday, 4
It has been a raining steady all day long.
I was up on the hill after the mowing machine.
John Sneider was along driving two cows down here.
August Sunday, 5 1866
This morning I went over to Bill Steven's a little while.
I stayed at home the rest of the day.
John Rock was over here this afternoon.
Monday, 6
Last night it began to rain and it has kept it up all of today.
I was piling up wood this morning.
I splittted some this afternoon.
Tuesday, 7
This morning it began to clear off.
I went to spread out some hay and mowed out some corners of the fences.
We drawed in three loads.
August Wednseday, 8 1866
It clouded up last night and it has rained a very little.
I was raking the scatterings up today.
Drawed in four loads.
Thursday, 9
It has rained all day long as steady as it could rain.
We left out about half a load of hay.
John sold it this morning to John Sneider.
Friday, 10
Today we got through haying at last this morning.
I went down to the wheat piece and made a swath around the piece.
August Saturday, 11 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
We reaped one of the pieces of wheat down yesterday afternoon
and commenced the other.
Sunday, 12
Last night I worked until nine o'clock.
We drawed in two of wheat after dark and two in the afternoon.
Lib was here today.
Monday, 13
I was binding up some wheat this morning.
In the afternoon I was choring around the house.
Cleaned out the horse barn and mended up the pig pen.
August Tuesday, 14 1866
This morning it has been raining.
I have been a fixing the single harness.
This afternoon I bound down about one-hundred bundles of wheat.
Wednesday, 15
It has been raining all day and there is as yet no sign of clearing off.
I went over to Will Steven's after his wheelbarrow to pile up some wood.
Thursday, 16
It has cleared up.
Last night we finished reaping the wheat.
Bound up some of it and drawed in a load of wheat tonight.
August Friday, 17 1866
Today we finished binding wheat.
We had three load today and eight loads in all.
We raked up one load of barley and drawed it in.
Saturday, 18
It has tried to rain two or three times today but it has as yet not made it out.
I have raked up the wheat scatterings and mowed some pease.
Sunday, 19
It has been raining very near all day long.
I stayed at home all day.
This afternoon John Bush and Jacob Fosse was here.
August Monday, 20 1866
It has been very pleasant.
I was mowing barley this forenoon.
John Sneider was a helping. This afternoon we raked and stacked it.
Tuesday, 21
The weather still holds off pleasant.
We mowed the rest of the big piece today and go it all raked up.
It looks so as if it where a going to rain.
Wednesday, 22
It has rained considerable this morning.
I helped John Sneider kill a pig and he helped me mow pease.
John has been trading horses again.
August Thursday, 23 1866
I has been a pleasant day.
This morning I was mowing a piece.
This afternoon we drawed in five loads of barley.
Lorence is down here helping us.
Friday, 24
This morning it has been quite rainy.
We was mowing a piece until about ten o'clock.
We came up and set up the thrashing machine.
We thrashed all the afternoon.
Saturday, 25
We was thrashing all the forenoon.
This afternoon we raked up the last piece of barley and finished mowing.
Alfred Buel's man has been helping us.
August Sunday, 26 1866
It has been very pleasant.
John and his brother have been drawing in pease and barley.
I did not help because I did not feel very well.
Monday, 27
It has been very pleasant all day.
I started to mow but I broke the sithe.
Then I went to raking barley until noon.
I did not work this afternoon. (1/2)
Tuesday, 28
This morning I got up and helped mile.
I was not able to work so I dressed myself
and went to Lowville to get a ride over to Henry.
I got here about 4 pm.
August Wednesday, 29 1866
Last night it rained very hard.
There was a show to the Settlement.
I came up to John's last night. I stayed here all day.
I am no better yet.
Thursday, 30
It has been very pleasant.
I went out into the woods today to see John and
George pile up bark. I helped them a very little.
It is raining again tonight.
Friday, 31
It has cleared off during the night.
I stayed here all day.
Tonight George and I went to the Settlement
and went to a show. It was very interesting.
September Saturday, 1 1866
I stayed to Croghan last night.
I came over to Lowville this morning.
I was up to John Boshart's after my clothes.
Sunday, 2
I could not get a chance to go over the river yesterday.
I stayed to Joe Rattle's last night.
I came over this morning.
I had a chance to ride as far as Dayansville.
Monday, 3
I got to the Frence Settlement about six o'clock last night.
This morning I went to the Prussian Settlement with
John Rock to see about his horse.
It is very lame.
September Tuesday, 4 1866
It has been very warm all day.
I picked about two quarts of blackberries this afternoon.
This morning I stayed in the house. I was sick.
Wednesday, 5
It has been very pleasant today.
John finished piling up bark about four o'clock.
This afternoon we went up to get some pumpkins to boil for the pigs.
Thursday, 6
It has been very pleasant.
This afternoon we went over to Peter Jansy's after some blackberries.
We picked about twenty-four quarts.
We got home about three o'clock.
September Friday, 7 1866
It has been rainy all day very near.
We went out to work in shop to saw logs.
We had to quit about three o'clock.
The wind blows hard.
Saturday, 8
It has been raining ever since yesterday afternoon.
I took my trunk down to the settlement and got some handles put on it.
It cost me seventy-five cents.
Sunday, 9
It rained until about nine o'clock this morning.
It has cleared off very nice.
I went to meeting. I am staying here to Uncle Henry's.
September Monday, 10 1866
There has been a little frost last night
although not hard enough to hurt anything.
I went to Lowville to see the show. It was very nice.
Tuesday, 11
Last night I hired a horse and went after my clothes to the French Settlement.
Came back and got the stage and came as far as Boonville.
From there I took the cars.
Wednesday, 12
I arrived in Rome last night very near worn out.
I stayed in the Freemont House over night.
I hired out to John Keeler at twenty dollars a month.
September Thursday, 13 1866
It has been a very fine day. We went through Mindenville.
Ed stopped off to thrash his grain.
I took his place this noon. It goes very well so far.
Friday, 14
It has rained a very little.
Today David Noyer is driving on my trick.
We came through Fultonville this morning about six o'clock.
It is raining now.
Saturday, 15
The wind has been blowing all the afternoon.
We got to the sixteens lock about one o'clock this afternoon.
I steered through thirteen of them on my trick.
September Sunday, 16 1866
We got into the river about half past eleven o'clock last night.
We lay at Troy until about ten o'clock this morning before we started.
Monday, 17
We have been lowering ever since yesterday morning
with a very strong head wind.
We have not got half way yet.
We have to have better weather to get into NY tomorrow.
Tuesday, 18
We arrived in New York a quarter past eleven this morning just in time for the change.
Our cargo is as yet not sold.
I went to see John Adam tonight.
September Wednesday, 19 1866
I found my friends in very good spirits.
I had quite a social good time of it.
We unloaded part of our load.
Today it is raining quite hard.
Thursday, 20
We finished unloading this morning.
Towed back to pier four east river where we expect to load some merchandise.
I went ashore tonight and bought me a pair boots.
Friday, 21
It has been very warm all day.
This afternoon we had quite a shower.
We begun to load this noon.
The most of the things we received was clocks in boxes.
September Saturday, 22 1866
It has been a very pleasant day.
We did not get much freight however we are started for Troy once more.
I got tired staying in port.
Sunday, 23
It has been rather windy today to get much headway.
We only got to Poughkeepsie tonight about six o'clock.
I don't think we get in Troy by tomorrow morning.
Monday, 24
We got into Albany this afternoon about five o'clock.
Came up to Troy a quarter past seven.
Started out about eleven o'clock at night.
September Tuesday, 25 1866
I steered through eleven of the sixteen locks.
We got through about five o'clock this morning.
It looks like rain.
It has been very fair so far.
Wednesday, 26
It has been very pleasant all day.
Tonight it is trying to rain.
Got to Mindenville about half past six tonight.
Edward is not coming on the boat yet.
Thursday, 27
It has been very cold and rainy.
Last night on the forepart it cleared off about one o'clock this morning.
We change at Frankfort this morning.
September Friday, 28 1866
It has been rather windy today.
This noon we change at Utica.
I steered from there to Stanwix on my trick.
The wind is still blowing.
Saturday, 29
It has been very pleasant today.
We are getting along very well.
We had a good clear run so far.
We change at Chittenango this morning.
The weather is fair.
Sunday, 30
It has been a fair day.
We change three miles from Syracuse for one o'clock this morning.
We had a clear run through the locks.
We got about two miles above ( ) bridge.
Played chess.
February Thursday, 1 1866
Today it was very blustery.
The wind blowed hard and the snow flew in wild desolation.
I went in the twice today. It clear up.
Friday, 2
It stormed a little.
Today I was to Rome with a load of green wood.
Got home about dark. Crist and I played a game.
February Saturday, 3 1866
It stormed very hard.
The snow flew in every direction.
This morning I kept myself busy shaving shingles.
This afternoon I sawed a little wood.
Sunday, 4
It storms still as bad as ever.
The wind has been a blowing all day and I think it will blow all night long.
I stayed at home all day.
Monday, 5
It has been very cold today.
This morning I sawed a little wood.
This afternoon I went in the woods and got two loads of wood.
February Tuesday, 6 1866
It has stormed very hard until about three o'clock in the afternoon.
This morning I tried to get in the woods with the team but the roads was drifted.
Wednesday, 7
The east wind has been a blowing all day.
It has been very cold.
I have been drawing wood.
I drawed one load of dry and two loads of green.
Thursday, 8
It has been very pleasant during the day.
Tonight is a snowing very fast.
I have made two bolsters for the sleigh to draw logs.
February Friday, 9 1866
It has been very warm.
Tonight the east wind is a blowing very hard.
I shaved some shingles today and sawed some wood.
I think it is a going to rain.
Saturday, 10
It has been very warm.
I have been a sawing wood all day.
I had to do the chores.
Crist has been to Rome with a load of wood.
It is a raining to night.
Sunday, 11
It has rained most all day long.
Crist and I went over to the Irish Settlement to look after some saw logs.
We stayed to his brothers.
February Monday, 12 1866
It has been a snowing all day.
This morning we drawed one load of hay from the upper place
and made a pair of bars.
I packed some shingles this afternoon.
Tuesday, 13
It has been very pleasant today.
This morning I finished packing a bunch of shingles.
Sawed some wood this afternoon.
Good night.
Wednesday, 14
It has been very stormy. The wind blew very hard.
This morning I started to go after some saw logs but I had to give it up.
Shaved some shingles.
February Thursday, 15 1866
It has been very stormy.
Tonight the wind is a changing.
I shelled about four bushels of corn.
This forenoon I shaved a few shingles.
Friday, 16
It has been very cold today.
This morning I kept myself busy shoveling snow and working around the house.
This afternoon I went to the grist mill.
Saturday, 17
It has been very pleasant although a little cold.
This morning I shaved a few shingles.
This afternoon I kept myself busy drawing wood.
February Sunday, 18 1866
This morning it was quiet pleasant.
About one o'clock it begun to snow and it blowed ever since.
I took Jessy home today.
Monday, 19
It rained some this morning but it cleared off and I went a drawing wood.
I had rather a hard time of it.
The snow is so deep that the horse does not go.
Tuesday, 20
This morning it was pleasant.
About three o'clock it begun to storm very hard.
I drawed only three loads of wood.
Today I chopped some every load.
February Wednesday, 21 1866
It was very pleasant.
I have been a chopping wood back of the house.
Crist went to Rome and I had to do the chores.
Thursday, 22
It has been very pleasant.
I was drawing hay.
We drawed five loads.
We upset with the first load.
There is a dance down Lee Center.
Friday, 23
The weather still hold on pleasant.
The sleighing is about whipped.
We finished drawing hay.
Drawed one load of wood.
February Saturday, 24 1866
It has rained most all day long.
I have been a sawing wood.
Tonight it is a little colder has snowed very little.
Bon nuit.
Sunday, 25
It has been a very stormy blustering day.
I have been to home all day.
I played one game of chess with Crist and got beat bad.
Monday, 26
This has been the coldest day we have had for quite a while.
I have been over to Bowmen after some saw logs.
I drawed one log.
February Tuesday, 27 1866
This morning it was quite stormy.
It cleared off about 10 o'clock.
I was drawing logs.
I drawed two loads.
It is warm too.
Wednesday, 28
It has been very pleasant.
Today it was quite warm.
I was drawing logs.
I drawed four logs.
Got home about four o'clock.
March Thursday, 1
It was cloudy and windy all day long.
I have been a drawing logs.
I drawed two loads.
The road is getting rather poor now.
March Friday, 2 1866
It was cloudy and looks some like rain.
I have been drawing logs.
I drawed six logs to three loads.
I think we have a storm.
Saturday, 3
It rained a little this morning.
About 9 o'clock it cleared off.
It was very warm.
The rest of the day I was a chopping wood.
Sunday, 4
The weather has changed.
It snowed hard all day long.
I have been staying at home.
Done the chores.
Read a little of everything.
March Monday, 5 1866
The wind has been a blowing and
the roads are getting pretty well fill up.
I finished drawing logs.
I brought one load home.
Tuesday, 6
The wind blowed very hard all day.
I have been drawing lumber.
I drawed two loads together about twelve hundred feet.
I was to Center.
Wednesday, 7
The wind still is blowing very hard.
It has snowed very little.
Today I have been drawing lumber.
I drawed two loads. Got back about 3 o'clock.
March Thursday, 8 1866
It has been very cold and the wind blew all day long.
I was a drawing logs.
I drawed four loads.
Two logs to each load.
Friday, 9
The wind still is a blowing and it is very cold.
I was drawing logs today.
I have had very good luck.
So far nothing happens.
Saturday, 10
Today it had been calm and a little milder than it has this week.
I was drawing logs.
I only drawed three load come home.
March Sunday, 11 1866
It has been stormy all day.
It has snowed about six inches.
I have come home last night this I had to go back.
Monday, 12
It has been very mild.
It is a thawing pretty fast.
I have been a drawing logs.
I took only one log to a load.
The sleighing is a breaking.
Tuesday, 13
It has rained most of the day.
I only drawed two loads today.
One of the horses lost one shoe.
I took her to the Back ferry shop.
March Wednesday, 14 1866
It was calm today and very mild.
I settled up with C. H. Waters.
Due on settlement $9.00 cents.
Went to Rome and had my photograph taken by Harvey.
Thursday, 15
It was cloudy.
It rained very hard this afternoon.
I have been up to Wm. McDougal after my gaiters.
They are all worn out.
Clare Rogers broke his arm.
Friday, 16
It was rainy most of the day.
This morning I water.
Went to Lee Corners to take the stage to Lowville.
I had to stay here all night.
The stage had too many passengers.
March Saturday, 17 1866
Last night it snowed about two inches.
About nine o'clock this morning it begun to storm most awful hard.
It lasted all day.
I went to Turin.
Sunday, 18
The stage did not get through last night so I had to stay over again.
I stayed here last night.
The stage came along this morning about ten o'clock
so I went to Lowville.
Monday, 19
It has been very pleasant today. I went up to MJ Willson to dinner
Then went up to see Jones.
Come back and stayed all night.
March Tuesday, 20 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
I left Lowville and came to Croghan.
Stayed all night.
I am a going up to John Rocks.
Wednesday, 21
I came up to John Rock's.
Stayed all day.
Tonight I took John over the river.
It was about half past one o'clock when we came back.
It was very pleasant.
Thursday, 22
It was very pleasant.
I have done John's chores today and stayed to home all day.
Sawed a little wood.
The moon is a shining bright.
March Friday, 23 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
Yesterday I took the horses.
Went down to the French Settlement
had the horses rigged up.
Saturday, 24
Today it has been very pleasant.
I done the chores this morning.
This afternoon I went a visiting.
Come home.
Sunday, 25
Today it snowed very hard.
Today I done the chores
harnessed up the horses
and went to the Settlement to the church.
March Monday, 26 1866
I'm home all day.
John is as yet not here.
It is a little cold.
I done nothing except the chores and sawed a little wood.
Tuesday, 27
This morning after I had the chores all done
I harnessed up the horses.
I was a going over to Lowville after John and his brother.
Wednesday, 28
I had nothing to do except to fool around.
I went up to Pilos today with John's brother.
I came back with horses.
March Thursday, 29 1866
It has snowed some today.
This morning I went to the Settlement.
Afterward I took Henry's horse and did go to Lowville.
Friday, 30
I stayed all night to Uncle Henry's.
This afternoon I went up to Uncle John's to help him draw hay.
It has been very pleasant today.
Saturday, 31
It has been very pleasant today.
I drawed two loads of hay this forenoon
and sawed some wood this afternoon.
April Sunday, 1 1866
This morning it snowed a little but it stopped and was very nice
and went to Croghan and stayed all day.
Monday, 2
It has been very cloudy today.
I stayed last night down here.
There has been a meeting here today.
There is a ball here tonight.
Tuesday, 3
It is very pleasant today.
The ball went off very nice.
There was twenty-one tickets out.
I am very tired tonight.
I did not go to bed.
April Wednesday, 4 1866
Last night I stayed to Uncle Henry.
George and I went up to Belfort all right.
Thursday, 5
Last night I came to Kieffers.
This morning I begun to chop in the swamp.
It did not go very well.
Good night.
Friday, 6
Today it has been very nice weather.
I have been a chopping in the woods all day.
There was not much sap.
April Saturday, 7 1866
I have been a chopping all day.
It did go a little better today.
Was not quite so tired.
Good weather.
Sunday, 8
Everything is bare by today.
The sun is a shining very bright.
There is no meeting today so I have to busy myself at home.
Monday, 9
It has been very nice today.
I am still a chopping.
There is a holiday I did not see anybody keep so I chopped all day.
April Tuesday, 10 1866
It has been cloudy all day long and the south wind is a blowing.
I drawed four wagon loads of manure good.
Wednesday, 11
It is still cloudy tonight and has been so all day.
Chopped in the woods.
This noon we fixed the pump.
I am tired.
Thursday, 12
It has been very pleasant.
The sun has been a shining very warm all day.
I have been a chopping in the woods.
April Friday, 13 1866
I have been a chopping wood.
Today it has been very warm.
There was not much sap today.
Saturday, 14
I chopped all day in the woods.
Kieffer is gone over to Lowville.
Today it has been very warm.
I am very tired.
Sunday, 15
This has been a very fine day.
I have been to meeting today in the Settlement.
The road is very muddy and wet.
April Monday, 16 1866
I have changed work from chopping to plowing.
It has been a very nice day.
I am a getting along.
Tuesday, 17
It looks some like rain today.
I been a plowing greensort.
This noon went up after a load of hay up to the flats.
Wednesday, 18
It has been very cloudy.
The rain still kept off.
I plough this forenoon and drawed manure this afternoon.
April Thursday, 19 1866
I took out a good many stumps today.
I begun a new piece to plough.
There are a good many stumps.
Friday, 20
I have been a ploughing all day. This noon I went after a load of hay.
The wind is a blowing very hard.
Saturday, 21
Last night It rained very hard. It cleared off this morning.
I been a ploughing this afternoon.
This forenoon manure.
April Sunday, 22 1866
It has been a very nice day.
I have been to the Settlement to meeting.
I did not stay in the afternoon meeting.
Monday, 23
Today it has been cloudy and windy.
It sort of was a going to snow.
I have been a plowing.
It did not go very well.
Tuesday, 24
It snowed some this afternoon.
I plowed this forenoon and shaved shingles this afternoon.
It is cloudy still.
April Wednesday, 25 1866
It snowed all day.
I sawed some wood this forenoon and killed a calf.
This afternoon went after a load of hay.
Thursday, 26
It cleared off but it is still cold.
I was a plowing today for Nick Cornellier.
It went very well.
Got home about sundown.
Friday, 27
The wind has been a blowing all day and has been very cold.
I was a plowing this fornoon.
This afternoon I dragged.
April Saturday, 28 1866
Today it has been very warm.
I was a dragging all day.
I brought a load of hay home tonight.
Sunday, 29
It has been a pleasant day.
I went over to Jo Bush but he was not at home
so I went up to John J. Bush.
Monday, 30
It has been cold today.
I had to drag all day on the upper farm.
I did not come home to dinner.
May Tuesday, 1 1866
It still keeps on cold.
Today I was a drawing manure this forenoon
and plowed this afternoon.
Wednesday, 2
It has been awful cold.
Today I was a plowing this forenoon
and furrowed this afternoon got done 7 o'clock.
Thursday, 3
It was a kind of a rainy day.
I did not do much of anything.
I shave a few shingles and sawed some wood
and done the chores.
May Friday, 4 1866
The has been a blowing all day.
It has cleared up. I was a plowing all day.
I dug out four stumps.
Saturday, 5
It has been a very pleasant day.
This morning I hitched up Nelly to go after Nick Cornellier's horse
but I met him on the road.
Sunday, 6
This has been a pleasant day.
I went to Croghan this morning.
There was no meeting today.
The minister did not get back.
May Monday, 7 1866
Today it has been very fine weather.
I commence to work for John Boshart for
twenty dollars a month, 8 months.
Tuesday, 8
The weather still hold off good for springs works.
I have been a dragging these two days.
I finished one piece about ten o'clock.
Wednesday, 9
This morning it was very warm.
About ten o'clock it begun to cloud up.
It did sprinkle a little.
I cultivated the potato ground.
May Thursday, 10, 1866
It cleared up last night.
I was a picking up stone yesterday afternoon and today.
Got through about 5 o'clock.
Friday, 11
Today it was pretty warm. I was a rolling the barley piece.
This forenoon I begun the last piece that we have to plow.
Good night.
Saturday, 12
It has been most awful warm today. I was a plowing all day.
This morning I went after Alfred Buel's plow. It goes better.
May Sunday, 13 1866
It has been a wet day. It rained all day long.
I stayed at home all day. John Sneider's man was here this afternoon.
Monday, 14
It has been very pleasant today.
I have been a plowing the last for this spring.
Got through about four o'clock so I dragged until milking time.
Tuesday, 15
The weather has changed.
It is a growing colder and it is a clouding up.
I think it is a going to rain. I have been to Lowville tonight.
All is well.
May Wednesday, 16 1866
It cleared up last night.
I was a picking stone yesterday afternoon and today.
Just finished about five o'clock.
Thursday, 17
Today it has been as very nice day
warm and pleasant to be outdoors.
I was a rolling the barley piece and drawed one load of rails from the other place.
Friday, 18
It has been a pleasant day. I was a fixing fence and drawed some rails.
I had to cross the creek four times. It was deep.
May Saturday, 10 1866
It has been a very warm day. The sun has been a shining bright.
This morning I was fixing fence. Made a beatle.
Sunday, 20
Today we have had the warmest weather this spring.
I helped do the chores.
In the afternoon I went down to John Sneiders a little while.
Monday, 21
The wind has been a blowing ever since last night and it is very likly to blow all night long.
We have sowed a piece of wheat over because it did not come up.
May Tuesday, 22 1866
It stormed all day very hard.
I have been a splitting rails to makd a fence.
We split one-hundred and twenty-two.
Wednesday, 23
It has stopped storming. The wind still is a blowing.
I was a working around the house. Made a gate.
In the afternoon I made a bee hive.
Thursday, 24
It has been quite cold today. I was a plowing a piece for corn.
Drawed some manure on it this afternoon.
John is gone to town.
May Friday, 25 1866
It has been cloudy and looks like rain. I finished drawing manure.
I chored around the house this afternoon.
John went on the hill.
Saturday, 26
I have cultivated the corn piece twice over and drag it over.
This afternoon I went over to John Fistom after two picks
and I took Stevens plow home.
Sunday, 27
It rained most all day long. I did not hardly get out of the house.
I wrote a letter this forenoon.
I been a sleep most all the afternoon.
May Monday, 28 1866
This has been a kind of a rainy day.
I was a splitting rails this forenoon.
John came home about ten o'clock. I splitted forty-three rails.
Tuesday, 29
It was sprinkling all day. It did not rain to any effect.
I have been a splitting wood all day.
Lorence is here he and John is gone a fishing.
Wednesday, 30
We measured off a piece of fence that we have to build.
This afternoon I drawed two load of stones.
I went around by Wilson.
Thursday, 31
This morning we laid up three rails height.
This afternoon I was drawing stones and rails for the other side on the same piece.
June Friday, 1 1866
It has been a very pleasant day.
I was a picking up stones for Horace Stevens on the other farm.
The stones stuck pretty well.
Saturday, 2
Today I finished the fence.
Brought home one load of wood had done about noon.
This afternoon I was a splitting wood.
June Sunday, 3 1866
This morning two cows was gone.
John went three miles beyond the French Settlement after one of them.
I stayed at home.
Monday, 4
It made out to rain again today.
I was a fixing up the double harness.
In the afternoon I fixed up a sure iron.
Tuesday, 5
This morning I drawed one load of manure from the barn yard
& had to stop because it begun to rain.
All is well.
June Wednesday, 6 1866
I was a picking over Jesse Brown potatoes.
It rained very hard.
This afternoon we set out 210 of cabbage plants.
Thursday, 7
It has rained very near all day.
I was picking over some potatoes again and splitted a little wood.
The roads are getting muddy.
Friday, 8
It has been rainy. I sorted over some potatoe.
John Sneider was here this afternoon.
John went up on the hill.
June Saturday, 9 1866
The weather has changed.
It is a clearing off.
I drawed five loads of manure and made a fire board for the fireplace.
Sunday, 10
It has been warm and pleasant today.
I have been to home all day.
Nicholas Bush and his sisters was here this afternoon.
Monday, 11
The weather still is fair and pleasant.
I was a hoing corn. It is as yet very small.
John and his wife is gone down to the village.
June Tuesday, 12 1866
It has been cloudy all day. It has rained a little today.
I have been a hoing corn this noon.
I hitched up Jim and went after a load of straw.
Wednesday, 13
This morning it rained a little.
I greased the wagon went after the neep of the wagon greased the single harness.
This afternoon I splitted a little wood.
I did not feel well today.
Thursday, 14
It has been quite warm.
There was a thunder shower this forenoon.
I have been a hoing corn all day.
John and his wife has been down to the village.
June Friday, 15 1866
The wind blew considerable today. Just right to work.
I killed a calf this noon. The rest of the day I was a hoing corn.
Saturday, 16
This morning I finished hoing corn.
Hoed in the garden and put the single harness together.
I had to get the cows in good season.
Sunday, 17
Today the day of rest.
There has been much change in the weather.
It has rained all day without ceasing.
John Nick Bush and John Holt.
June Monday, 18 1866
It has rained all last night and this morning.
I was choring around the house today.
Cleaned the pig pen. Finished sorting the potatoes.
Drawed manure.
Tuesday, 19
It has rained some today.
John traded horses again today with Horace Stevens.
I was a drawing manure.
We stopped working a little latish. Tonight it is a raining still.
Wednesday, 20
It has cleared off. The weather is fair.
John has been over the river.
I had John Sneider's horse to draw manure.
There was some company here this afternoon.
June Thursday, 21 1866
Today it has been very warm.
I was a drawing manure with two wagons.
John loaded and I drove the team today.
Friday, 22
I has rained quite considerable this morning.
It cleared off about noon.
I was a hoing the cabbage and weeded the onion beds aujourd'hui.
Saturday, 23
Aujourd'hui it was very fine weather.
I have been drawing manure with one wagon.
I drove very slow on account of being so warm.
June Sunday, 24 1866
This morning I started about seven o'clock to go over to the French Settlement.
Got home about six o'clock in the afternoon from there.
Monday, 25
It has been cloudy and windy all day long.
I was a working on the road. I plowed and drawed dirt.
We got over quite a piece of our beets.
Tuesday, 26
This morning I got a load of straw to put it in the pig pen.
Afterwards I went to work on the road.
I was the first one out.
June Wednesday, 27 1866
I finished working on the road last night.
Today we started to hoe the potatoes but it began to rain.
Thursday, 28
Today we was a hoing potatoes all day.
John cultivated them and I followed him a hoing.
Been a nice day. I am pretty sick.
Friday, 29
It has been cloudy all day.
My leg pains me most dreadfully today. I think it is a going to rain.
I was a hoing potatoes.
June Saturday, 30 1866
This morning we put the hay rack on to the wagon to draw some straw down to the village.
John drawed two load of it.
July, Sunday, 1 1866
It has rained some.
Yesterday afternoon in the forenoon I finished hoing potatoes.
I have been staying at home all day.
After milking I went to the village.
Monday, 2
It has been a very fine day.
I have been spading out white daisys in the meadow.
They are very thick on some spots.
I have not finished.
July Tuesday, 2 1866
It has been clouding up all day long.
This forenoon I was drawing manure.
This afternoon I was washing the wagon.
Wednesday, 4
It has rained most all day long.
I have been to the village today.
There has been no doings at all today except a few drunken brutes.
Thursday, 5
It has rained most all last night . It has cleared off.
This morning I cultivated ten rows of corn.
Afterward I went a hoing. I have hoed five rows.
July Friday, 6 1866
Today there has been a show down town.
This morning went after John Sneider's horse to draw manure.
I drawed one load.
Saturday, 7
It has made out to rain every day this week but one.
I went after John Sneider this morning to hoe corn.
We hoed it all but two rows.
Sunday, 8
It has been a raining very hard all day long.
I was at home all day.
In the evening I went up to Henry Wellers to see my cousin.
I saw him.
July Monday, 9 1866
It has been very pleasant all day.
I went after John Sneider's horse this morning to draw manure.
I drawed all day.
Tuesday, 10
Today we begun haying it. I has been a very pleasant day.
We begun in the orchard.
I was a mowing all day with the sithe.
Wednesday, 11
My hands feel rather sore this morning as I raised four blisters on them yesterday.
I had to take it slow forking hay today.
July Thursday, 12 1866
This morning Lorence Boshart came to help us this week.
We have commenced in the big lot.
Today we drawed five loads.
Friday, 13
The wind has been a blowing all day.
It tried hard to rain this afternoon but it did not make it out.
We drawed in six load of hay.
Saturday, 14
It has rained a very little last night and it has been cloudy all day so it was a poor hay day.
We drawed in only three loads.
July Sunday, 15 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
I was at home during the day.
In the evening I went down town came home about 10 o'clock.
Monday, 16
Today it has been most awful hot.
It was warm enough to roast a man alive.
Lorence came down with Madison Carter to work at the hay.
Tuesday, 17
I has been cloudy all day long and looks so we was a going to get some rain.
We drawed in seven loads of hay today.
July Wednesday, 18 1866
Last night it has rained considerable.
We spread out some hay this morning and got in one load.
I did not work 1/2 day.
Thursday, 19
Lorence went home last night on account of being so rainy.
Today it has cleared off.
We finished the big meadow and got one load on the other place.
Friday, 20
This morning I went to drawing in hay. Drawed two loads.
John went to the funeral.
John Sneider and I drawed in five loads this afternoon.
July Saturday, 21 1866
John has been a mowing most all day.
I was a raking up the scatterings this morning.
We drawed in four loads today.
Sunday, 22
It has been very pleasant.
Up this evening it rained considerable.
It was a July heavy shower.
I was over to Will Stevens this forenoon.
Monday, 23
It has been raining all the forenoon.
I weeded some onions in the garden this afternoon.
I splitted a little wood and unloaded one load hay.
July Tuesday, 24 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
We got in four load of hay.
Some of it was a little wet yet. _____ father was down here.
Wednesday, 25
We got in one load of hay thiss morning before it begun to rain.
After wards we loaded up a load of straw.
I took it to the village.
Thursday, 26
It cleared up last night and it has been a very fine hay day.
We got in five loads of hay.
I got a letter from home yesterday.
July Friday, 27 1866
It has been very warm today. T
his morning I raked up about five loads.
We drawed in six loads of hay today.
Saturday, 28
We got in one load this morning before it begun to rain.
It rained very hard for about two hours.
I piled up wood in the wood shed.
Sunday, 29
It has cleared off this morning and it has been quite pleasant.
I have been over the river today.
Got home to milk three cows.
July Monday, 30 1866
It has been cloudy all day.
I raked up some scatterings and mowed out some corners of the fences.
Drawed in three loads.
Tuesday, 31
I raked up five loads of hay today and we drawed in two loads.
I broke the fill of the rake and John broke one of the riggings of the wagon today.
August Wednesday, 1 1866
It has been cloudy all day and looked very much like rain.
I was a raking all day long and helped unload.
We finished up one piece today.
Thursday , 2
We drawed in two loads this forenoon before it rained.
John Sneider like to fell off the wagon going after a load of hay.
Friday, 3
The wind has been a blowing all day.
Yesterday and today John has been up on the hill.
This forenoon he got back to draw in two loads.
Saturday, 4
It has been a raining steady all day long.
I was up on the hill after the mowing machine.
John Sneider was along driving two cows down here.
August Sunday, 5 1866
This morning I went over to Bill Steven's a little while.
I stayed at home the rest of the day.
John Rock was over here this afternoon.
Monday, 6
Last night it began to rain and it has kept it up all of today.
I was piling up wood this morning.
I splittted some this afternoon.
Tuesday, 7
This morning it began to clear off.
I went to spread out some hay and mowed out some corners of the fences.
We drawed in three loads.
August Wednseday, 8 1866
It clouded up last night and it has rained a very little.
I was raking the scatterings up today.
Drawed in four loads.
Thursday, 9
It has rained all day long as steady as it could rain.
We left out about half a load of hay.
John sold it this morning to John Sneider.
Friday, 10
Today we got through haying at last this morning.
I went down to the wheat piece and made a swath around the piece.
August Saturday, 11 1866
It has been very pleasant today.
We reaped one of the pieces of wheat down yesterday afternoon
and commenced the other.
Sunday, 12
Last night I worked until nine o'clock.
We drawed in two of wheat after dark and two in the afternoon.
Lib was here today.
Monday, 13
I was binding up some wheat this morning.
In the afternoon I was choring around the house.
Cleaned out the horse barn and mended up the pig pen.
August Tuesday, 14 1866
This morning it has been raining.
I have been a fixing the single harness.
This afternoon I bound down about one-hundred bundles of wheat.
Wednesday, 15
It has been raining all day and there is as yet no sign of clearing off.
I went over to Will Steven's after his wheelbarrow to pile up some wood.
Thursday, 16
It has cleared up.
Last night we finished reaping the wheat.
Bound up some of it and drawed in a load of wheat tonight.
August Friday, 17 1866
Today we finished binding wheat.
We had three load today and eight loads in all.
We raked up one load of barley and drawed it in.
Saturday, 18
It has tried to rain two or three times today but it has as yet not made it out.
I have raked up the wheat scatterings and mowed some pease.
Sunday, 19
It has been raining very near all day long.
I stayed at home all day.
This afternoon John Bush and Jacob Fosse was here.
August Monday, 20 1866
It has been very pleasant.
I was mowing barley this forenoon.
John Sneider was a helping. This afternoon we raked and stacked it.
Tuesday, 21
The weather still holds off pleasant.
We mowed the rest of the big piece today and go it all raked up.
It looks so as if it where a going to rain.
Wednesday, 22
It has rained considerable this morning.
I helped John Sneider kill a pig and he helped me mow pease.
John has been trading horses again.
August Thursday, 23 1866
I has been a pleasant day.
This morning I was mowing a piece.
This afternoon we drawed in five loads of barley.
Lorence is down here helping us.
Friday, 24
This morning it has been quite rainy.
We was mowing a piece until about ten o'clock.
We came up and set up the thrashing machine.
We thrashed all the afternoon.
Saturday, 25
We was thrashing all the forenoon.
This afternoon we raked up the last piece of barley and finished mowing.
Alfred Buel's man has been helping us.
August Sunday, 26 1866
It has been very pleasant.
John and his brother have been drawing in pease and barley.
I did not help because I did not feel very well.
Monday, 27
It has been very pleasant all day.
I started to mow but I broke the sithe.
Then I went to raking barley until noon.
I did not work this afternoon. (1/2)
Tuesday, 28
This morning I got up and helped mile.
I was not able to work so I dressed myself
and went to Lowville to get a ride over to Henry.
I got here about 4 pm.
August Wednesday, 29 1866
Last night it rained very hard.
There was a show to the Settlement.
I came up to John's last night. I stayed here all day.
I am no better yet.
Thursday, 30
It has been very pleasant.
I went out into the woods today to see John and
George pile up bark. I helped them a very little.
It is raining again tonight.
Friday, 31
It has cleared off during the night.
I stayed here all day.
Tonight George and I went to the Settlement
and went to a show. It was very interesting.
September Saturday, 1 1866
I stayed to Croghan last night.
I came over to Lowville this morning.
I was up to John Boshart's after my clothes.
Sunday, 2
I could not get a chance to go over the river yesterday.
I stayed to Joe Rattle's last night.
I came over this morning.
I had a chance to ride as far as Dayansville.
Monday, 3
I got to the Frence Settlement about six o'clock last night.
This morning I went to the Prussian Settlement with
John Rock to see about his horse.
It is very lame.
September Tuesday, 4 1866
It has been very warm all day.
I picked about two quarts of blackberries this afternoon.
This morning I stayed in the house. I was sick.
Wednesday, 5
It has been very pleasant today.
John finished piling up bark about four o'clock.
This afternoon we went up to get some pumpkins to boil for the pigs.
Thursday, 6
It has been very pleasant.
This afternoon we went over to Peter Jansy's after some blackberries.
We picked about twenty-four quarts.
We got home about three o'clock.
September Friday, 7 1866
It has been rainy all day very near.
We went out to work in shop to saw logs.
We had to quit about three o'clock.
The wind blows hard.
Saturday, 8
It has been raining ever since yesterday afternoon.
I took my trunk down to the settlement and got some handles put on it.
It cost me seventy-five cents.
Sunday, 9
It rained until about nine o'clock this morning.
It has cleared off very nice.
I went to meeting. I am staying here to Uncle Henry's.
September Monday, 10 1866
There has been a little frost last night
although not hard enough to hurt anything.
I went to Lowville to see the show. It was very nice.
Tuesday, 11
Last night I hired a horse and went after my clothes to the French Settlement.
Came back and got the stage and came as far as Boonville.
From there I took the cars.
Wednesday, 12
I arrived in Rome last night very near worn out.
I stayed in the Freemont House over night.
I hired out to John Keeler at twenty dollars a month.
September Thursday, 13 1866
It has been a very fine day. We went through Mindenville.
Ed stopped off to thrash his grain.
I took his place this noon. It goes very well so far.
Friday, 14
It has rained a very little.
Today David Noyer is driving on my trick.
We came through Fultonville this morning about six o'clock.
It is raining now.
Saturday, 15
The wind has been blowing all the afternoon.
We got to the sixteens lock about one o'clock this afternoon.
I steered through thirteen of them on my trick.
September Sunday, 16 1866
We got into the river about half past eleven o'clock last night.
We lay at Troy until about ten o'clock this morning before we started.
Monday, 17
We have been lowering ever since yesterday morning
with a very strong head wind.
We have not got half way yet.
We have to have better weather to get into NY tomorrow.
Tuesday, 18
We arrived in New York a quarter past eleven this morning just in time for the change.
Our cargo is as yet not sold.
I went to see John Adam tonight.
September Wednesday, 19 1866
I found my friends in very good spirits.
I had quite a social good time of it.
We unloaded part of our load.
Today it is raining quite hard.
Thursday, 20
We finished unloading this morning.
Towed back to pier four east river where we expect to load some merchandise.
I went ashore tonight and bought me a pair boots.
Friday, 21
It has been very warm all day.
This afternoon we had quite a shower.
We begun to load this noon.
The most of the things we received was clocks in boxes.
September Saturday, 22 1866
It has been a very pleasant day.
We did not get much freight however we are started for Troy once more.
I got tired staying in port.
Sunday, 23
It has been rather windy today to get much headway.
We only got to Poughkeepsie tonight about six o'clock.
I don't think we get in Troy by tomorrow morning.
Monday, 24
We got into Albany this afternoon about five o'clock.
Came up to Troy a quarter past seven.
Started out about eleven o'clock at night.
September Tuesday, 25 1866
I steered through eleven of the sixteen locks.
We got through about five o'clock this morning.
It looks like rain.
It has been very fair so far.
Wednesday, 26
It has been very pleasant all day.
Tonight it is trying to rain.
Got to Mindenville about half past six tonight.
Edward is not coming on the boat yet.
Thursday, 27
It has been very cold and rainy.
Last night on the forepart it cleared off about one o'clock this morning.
We change at Frankfort this morning.
September Friday, 28 1866
It has been rather windy today.
This noon we change at Utica.
I steered from there to Stanwix on my trick.
The wind is still blowing.
Saturday, 29
It has been very pleasant today.
We are getting along very well.
We had a good clear run so far.
We change at Chittenango this morning.
The weather is fair.
Sunday, 30
It has been a fair day.
We change three miles from Syracuse for one o'clock this morning.
We had a clear run through the locks.
We got about two miles above ( ) bridge.
October Monday, 1 1866
It has been very foggy for two mornings.
We got to Port Byron.
Jones stopped off here for to go home.
He is to overtake us to Newark tonight.
Tuesday, 2
It was very foggy this morning.
I steered through Macedon and across Perrington Straights.
We change this morning about a mile from Fairport.
The wind is blowing.
Wednesday, 3
This morning we arrived in Buffalo about eight o'clock.
We begun to unload about ten o'clock.
We got done about five o'clock.
October Thursday, 4 1866
I had a nice time of it.
I went out in the city after supper.
When I came back the boat had gone.
I run round about half an hour.
Friday, 5
It has been very fair weather ever since we got into port.
There is no sight for us to get a load as yet.
Last night I was at the theatre.
It was the best play I've seen.
Saturday, 6
It has been a fine day.
Boats are starting out of here slower then they came in.
Jones has quit today and has gone out tonight.
I wish we'd get a load too.
October Sunday, 7 1866
Everything has changed since last year.
The canal is full of boats all laying still.
I stayed on the boat all day.
I have written three letters.
Monday, 8
The wind is blowing down the lake.
Boats are coming in very fast this morning.
Everything looks dull about here.
There is no load to be got at all.
Tuesday, 9
It is getting worst then ever.
There is only about twenty-five boats of freight in Buffalo.
I don't know but I shall have to quit.
October Wednesday, 10 1866
It has been raining very much all night.
It kept it up part of the day.
The Fenians had a turn out today.
They had quite a time of it.
Thursday, 11
It has been very pleasant today.
There is no sign of a load as yet.
I am getting tired of laying idle here.
Everything is dull in here now.
Friday, 12
The wind has been blowing down the lake.
The day saw where about fifteen vessels have come in.
Today most of them loaded grain.
October Saturday, 13 1866
The wind still blows down the lake.
About twenty vessels came in today.
Tonight I went to get a new pair pants.
Sunday, 14
It has been windy for the last three days.
I spent the day in going around the city.
I was up to Cathedral and all over town.
There was a man drowned.
Monday, 15
It has been encouraging today.
Freight has raised five cents on a bushel.
I don't know when we are going to get a load.
I was up to the auction.
October Tuesday, 16 1866
Today it has been very pleasant.
I done my washing today so I gained about fifty cents
and whiled away the time.
Wednesday, 17
It has been rather windy today.
About noon we poled the boat over to Watson Elevator.
We had quite a time of it.
We got loaded half past 6 pm.
Thursday, 18
Last night we started out of Buffalo once more about nine o'clock.
Came down to Black Rock and laid there until one o'clock in the morning.
October Friday, 19 1866
We changed on the long level to this side
Middleport grocery this morning for seven o'clock.
They towed below Eagle Harbor.
We are getting along very well.
Saturday, 20
It has been very windy today.
We came into Rochester this morning.
I went through Brighton this afternoon
way down to The Oxbow above Fairport 2 miles.
Sunday, 21
The wind still is a blowing.
We changed to Macedon for one o'clock this morning.
We went through Newark, Lyons, Berlin and Clyde locks today.
It has been very foggy for two mornings.
We got to Port Byron.
Jones stopped off here for to go home.
He is to overtake us to Newark tonight.
Tuesday, 2
It was very foggy this morning.
I steered through Macedon and across Perrington Straights.
We change this morning about a mile from Fairport.
The wind is blowing.
Wednesday, 3
This morning we arrived in Buffalo about eight o'clock.
We begun to unload about ten o'clock.
We got done about five o'clock.
October Thursday, 4 1866
I had a nice time of it.
I went out in the city after supper.
When I came back the boat had gone.
I run round about half an hour.
Friday, 5
It has been very fair weather ever since we got into port.
There is no sight for us to get a load as yet.
Last night I was at the theatre.
It was the best play I've seen.
Saturday, 6
It has been a fine day.
Boats are starting out of here slower then they came in.
Jones has quit today and has gone out tonight.
I wish we'd get a load too.
October Sunday, 7 1866
Everything has changed since last year.
The canal is full of boats all laying still.
I stayed on the boat all day.
I have written three letters.
Monday, 8
The wind is blowing down the lake.
Boats are coming in very fast this morning.
Everything looks dull about here.
There is no load to be got at all.
Tuesday, 9
It is getting worst then ever.
There is only about twenty-five boats of freight in Buffalo.
I don't know but I shall have to quit.
October Wednesday, 10 1866
It has been raining very much all night.
It kept it up part of the day.
The Fenians had a turn out today.
They had quite a time of it.
Thursday, 11
It has been very pleasant today.
There is no sign of a load as yet.
I am getting tired of laying idle here.
Everything is dull in here now.
Friday, 12
The wind has been blowing down the lake.
The day saw where about fifteen vessels have come in.
Today most of them loaded grain.
October Saturday, 13 1866
The wind still blows down the lake.
About twenty vessels came in today.
Tonight I went to get a new pair pants.
Sunday, 14
It has been windy for the last three days.
I spent the day in going around the city.
I was up to Cathedral and all over town.
There was a man drowned.
Monday, 15
It has been encouraging today.
Freight has raised five cents on a bushel.
I don't know when we are going to get a load.
I was up to the auction.
October Tuesday, 16 1866
Today it has been very pleasant.
I done my washing today so I gained about fifty cents
and whiled away the time.
Wednesday, 17
It has been rather windy today.
About noon we poled the boat over to Watson Elevator.
We had quite a time of it.
We got loaded half past 6 pm.
Thursday, 18
Last night we started out of Buffalo once more about nine o'clock.
Came down to Black Rock and laid there until one o'clock in the morning.
October Friday, 19 1866
We changed on the long level to this side
Middleport grocery this morning for seven o'clock.
They towed below Eagle Harbor.
We are getting along very well.
Saturday, 20
It has been very windy today.
We came into Rochester this morning.
I went through Brighton this afternoon
way down to The Oxbow above Fairport 2 miles.
Sunday, 21
The wind still is a blowing.
We changed to Macedon for one o'clock this morning.
We went through Newark, Lyons, Berlin and Clyde locks today.
October Monday, 22 1866
The wind has been blowing a perfect hurricane all night.
Some of the woods along here are on fire.
We came through Montezuma this morning.
Tuesday, 23
It has been a very fine day.
Last night was the coldest night we have had yet.
We got to Port Byron this morning about seven o'clock.
Wednesday, 24
The wind is still a blowing very hard.
There has been quite a round of boats on the Jordan level.
We past quite a number of them.
October Thursday, 25 1866
We went through Rome yesterday afternoon.
We lost Charley last night.
He had the inflamation of the bowels.
Friday, 26
We came through Little Falls.
The weather has been changing.
It has been raining yesterday it is a clearing off again.
Came through Mindenville and Fulton.
Saturday, 27
This morning about two o'clock we came through Schenectady.
We took off 20 barrels of apples.
It is trying to rain again this morning.
October Sunday, 28 1866
We got into Troy this morning about one o'clock.
I am a going to stay here to take care of Jack
while the boat is gone to New York.
Monday, 29
The boat left here yesterday morning about nine o'clock with the New Haven.
The weather has changed.
It has been raining all day very hard.
Tuesday, 30
I am staying to Alvin Lighthall's until the boat gets back.
The horses are to the Ryan Barn.
I am getting a good thing of it. Nothing to do.
October Wednesday, 31 1866
It has been a very fine day.
I have been in the country today.
I went to Watervliet.
From there to Newtonville from there here.
November Thursday, 1 1866
Today I took Jack out on horseback.
He come very near running away.
He got scared and run onto the ride walk and fell down.
Friday, 2
It has been a pleasant day.
We went out into the country after some hickory nuts.
After going some three miles we found plenty of them.
November Saturday, 3 1866
It has been very cold today.
It has been the lonesomest day since I been in West Troy.
There is a show here tonight.
I am getting tired of staying.
Sunday, 4
It has been a very pleasant day.
It is getting pretty lonesome here and it is getting rather cold.
I wish we get out of here so we could get around early
with the last try this fall.
Monday, 5
It has been very pleasant.
I watch for the boat all the forenoon but it did not come until about
three o'clock this afternoon.
I fed five bushels of oats since I been here.
November Tuesday, 6 1866
It has rained some last night we got started out of Troy
about seven o'clock last night.
We changed at the head of the sixteen.
I got kicked by the new horse.
Wednesday, 7
It has been windy today.
Ed is gone home to vote.
My leg pain me so I can't hardly walk.
We came through Mindenville and Little Falls.
I towed about fifteen miles.
Thursday, 8
We changed about two miles below Utica for one o'clock this morning.
I towed within two miles of Stanwix.
Got into Rome about nine o'clock.
I got a letter from ( ).
November Friday, 9 1866
We got through Higginsville, Durhamville and Canastota today.
We got to Syracuse about three in the morning.
We laid up till one o'clock.
Saturday, 10
We started out of Syracuse about two o'clock yesterday.
I towed about nine miles.
This is the first time I ever went to Oswego.
I got to New Bridge on my trick.
Sunday, 11
It has been raining some.
Last night we got into Oswego about eight o'clock.
Yesterday in the morning we laid here all day.
I think we shall load on Monday.
November Monday, 12 1866
It rained yesterday very steady all day long and it has been very cold today.
I had the lines that belong to harness all fixed up.
Tuesday, 13
It has been a very fine day.
We got loaded yesterday.
We started out of Oswego today about noon.
It was after dark before we got through the crowd going in port.
Wednesday, 14
It is getting quite cold to steer.
We are getting along rather slow.
We came through Fulton this morning.
We had to lay still about two hours.
November Thursday, 15 1866
Yesterday afternoon we came through New Bridge and Gaston.
We got through Syracuse this morning and I am glad of it to be on Erie.
Friday, 16
We changed in Durhamville for one o'clock this morning.
Jack got into the canal.
He got out of it alright.
We changed in Rome for noon.
Saturday, 17
We are towing along very slow.
It has been trying to snow some but it has not made it out as yet.
We expect to get to Cold Springs tonight.
November Sunday, 18 1866
It has been very windy today
but never mind it is the last Sunday on the ditch for this fall
if nothing happens to us.
Monday, 19
It has been raining very little last night.
I came through Schenectady this morning and went
as far as on the three mile level below upper.
Tuesday, 20
We got in Troy after six hours of hard labor but not to get rest.
There was somebody on deck all night long
making a noise so nobody could sleep.
November Wednesday, 21 1866
Yesterday morning I received my wages of John Keeler
and started out of Troy half past one o'clock in the afternoon
up to Rome about 8 o'clock.
Thursday, 22
I stayed in Rome last night.
This morning I got a change to ride to Taberg.
From there I had to walk a foot over to Thomas Waters.
The roads are muddy.
Friday, 23
I got up into the town of Lewis yesterday morning, the end of my journey at present.
I chopped a little wood yesterday.
Today we commenced on the shingle shop.
November Saturday, 24 1866
We have been busy all day working on the shingle shop.
It begun to storm this afternoon so we stopped to
board it up with slabs and get some boards.
Sunday, 25
It has stormed a very little this morning it begun to clear up about nine o'clock.
I started to go to Ineck after the crosscut saw.
Yesterday I went after butter. Paid $1.08 cents.
Monday, 26
The weather has changed.
It has been a very pleasant day.
We started at break of day this morning to saw logs.
Charley Parker drawed to the mill to have them sawed.
November Tuesday, 27 1866
Yesterday afternoon Christ went after a pig.
He got home about seven o'clock.
We commenced cutting shingle timber.
Today it was a very fine day.
Wednesday, 28
It is a blowing today.
We was cutting timber this morning.
It begun to rain about noon.
We came across some deer tracks this morning did not do anything afternoon.
Thursday, 29
Ever since yesterday noon it has been raining almost pouring down.
The snow is all gone.
The creek and springs are all a rising and roaring down the hill.
Wright Wilson is here.
November Friday, 30 1866
The weather is still unchanged.
It is a raining as hard as ever.
It has been raining over two days.
I have very east times when it rains until we get shingle timber.
December Saturday, 1 1866
The winter has begun.
Rain has turned into snow.
We cut some shingle timber.
We got enough for about one hundred and twenty bunches.
We want three hundred blocks.
Sunday, 2
This morning it was cold but as the sun kept rising the wind went down
so it was a very pleasant day
just such a day as I would have like to be out on a ride.
December Monday, 3 1866
It still keeps on a thawing.
Wood was up yesterday.
Christ and I have been to Charley Parker's this evening.
We had quite a time of it.
Tuesday, 4
It has been a very fine day to work in the woods.
We chopped about seventy-five blocks.
We have about enough timber cut down if we only had it to house.
Wednesday, 5
We have been working on the shop today.
Patsy brought up a load of lumber yesterday afternoon.
We would have finished it today if we had lumber enough.
December Thursday, 6 1866
The weather seems more like spring than as late as December.
We worked up all the lumber we drawed yesterday.
Crist has gone after D. Wood.
Friday, 7
It is growing colder.
It has froze very hard.
Last night Crist and Wood got here about eleven o'clock.
This morning they went to mill and drawed two logs.
Saturday, 8
This morning we made a skid way.
After that we went drawing logs.
It begun to rain about eleven o'clock so we had to stop.
I made a door for the shop this afternoon.
December Sunday, 9 1866
It stopped raining during the night and has been freezing during the day.
Alvin Dunbar and Charley Parker was here today.
Wood has gone home.
Monday, 10
We have been straightening things around today
and got ready for the shingle business.
I am unpacking frames and a shaving horse
and shaved some shingles this evening.
It goes fine.
Tuesday, 11
We had nothing to hinder us today.
I think we made over two bunches of shingles today.
Crist rises and does the cooking.
Duane and I do nothing but shave from morning.
December Wednesday, 12 1866
I filed the crosscut saw this morning and set it.
It saws better now.
We sawed up fifteen blocks today.
It looks so we are going to get a storm.
Thursday, 13
It began to snow about ten o'clock this morning.
It snowed until about four in the afternoon.
Crist has gone down to Charley Parker's to stay all night to go to Lee Center.
Friday, 14
It is getting to be quite cold.
We was working in the shop today.
I got an awful headache tonight.
I can hardly see to write this few lines.
December Saturday, 15 1866
It is clear today.
Crist got home this morning at nine o'clock.
Parker came up this noon to draw logs.
He drawed three logs this afternoon.
Sunday, 16
It has been a quiet forenoon but rather a stormy afternoon.
Wood was up here today and got a saw log.
I was out to Martin's after a draw shave.
Monday, 17
It snowed ever since yesterday afternoon
and fell about two foot and a half of snow.
It is getting pretty bad to get around in the woods.
We drawed four logs.
December Tuesday, 18 1866
It has been a very fine day.
I have been shaving shingles all day.
I am getting awful lonesome in these woods.
I have been alone for two days.
December Wednesday, 19 1866
The weather has changed.
It has been quite warm.
Today it is a snowing.
Charley Parker was up here drawing logs.
We drawed eleven logs today.
It is growing colder.
Thursday, 20
It has been the coldest day we have had this winter.
I went into the woods, cut the logs
and made roads to get to the rest of the trees.
December Friday, 21 1866
It has been most tremendous cold for the last two days.
I been shaving shingles today and ground my new shaving knife.
Saturday, 22
Today I been tinkering around.
Packed up our bunches of shingles and made three or four
bands. Been up in the woods after shingle bands. It is growing ( ).
Sunday, 23
It has been growing warmer the last day I been out of the woods.
Today it has been raining hard all day.
The snow is going off very fast.
December Monday, 24 1866
It has been very warm today.
The snow is going off very fast.
I have been making shingles.
Today there is a dance to Glenmore.
Tuesday, 25
It begun to snow this morning about ten o'clock.
I was rambling around all day.
I was down to Parker's saw mill and to I. Washburn's.
Wednesday, 26
I came home last night about dark.
It still keeps on snowing.
I have been busy making shingles all day.
We worked until eight o'clock.
December Thursday, 27 1866
Today I do not hardly know what to write.
The weather is fair and I am still making shingles
but it goes slow.
Friday, 28
The weather is changing.
I think we shall have some more snow.
I have filed both saws.
The hand saw was awful dull.
Saturday, 29
It has been snowing all day.
We had to saw in the storm for our lumber gave out.
I thought it was rather tough.
December Sunday, 30 1866
It has cleared up today and I had quite a time of it
stamping and shoveling roads.
We did not finish it.
Monday, 31
This is the last day of the year.
I have changed the program and went to Charley Parker's to cut logs.
We cut fifteen logs today.
There is going to be a dance to the centre and to every little place
but I don't see that I can go to any of them.
May it be for the best.
November Saturday, 3 1866
It has been very cold today.
It has been the lonesomest day since I been in West Troy.
There is a show here tonight.
I am getting tired of staying.
Sunday, 4
It has been a very pleasant day.
It is getting pretty lonesome here and it is getting rather cold.
I wish we get out of here so we could get around early
with the last try this fall.
Monday, 5
It has been very pleasant.
I watch for the boat all the forenoon but it did not come until about
three o'clock this afternoon.
I fed five bushels of oats since I been here.
November Tuesday, 6 1866
It has rained some last night we got started out of Troy
about seven o'clock last night.
We changed at the head of the sixteen.
I got kicked by the new horse.
Wednesday, 7
It has been windy today.
Ed is gone home to vote.
My leg pain me so I can't hardly walk.
We came through Mindenville and Little Falls.
I towed about fifteen miles.
Thursday, 8
We changed about two miles below Utica for one o'clock this morning.
I towed within two miles of Stanwix.
Got into Rome about nine o'clock.
I got a letter from ( ).
November Friday, 9 1866
We got through Higginsville, Durhamville and Canastota today.
We got to Syracuse about three in the morning.
We laid up till one o'clock.
Saturday, 10
We started out of Syracuse about two o'clock yesterday.
I towed about nine miles.
This is the first time I ever went to Oswego.
I got to New Bridge on my trick.
Sunday, 11
It has been raining some.
Last night we got into Oswego about eight o'clock.
Yesterday in the morning we laid here all day.
I think we shall load on Monday.
November Monday, 12 1866
It rained yesterday very steady all day long and it has been very cold today.
I had the lines that belong to harness all fixed up.
Tuesday, 13
It has been a very fine day.
We got loaded yesterday.
We started out of Oswego today about noon.
It was after dark before we got through the crowd going in port.
Wednesday, 14
It is getting quite cold to steer.
We are getting along rather slow.
We came through Fulton this morning.
We had to lay still about two hours.
November Thursday, 15 1866
Yesterday afternoon we came through New Bridge and Gaston.
We got through Syracuse this morning and I am glad of it to be on Erie.
Friday, 16
We changed in Durhamville for one o'clock this morning.
Jack got into the canal.
He got out of it alright.
We changed in Rome for noon.
Saturday, 17
We are towing along very slow.
It has been trying to snow some but it has not made it out as yet.
We expect to get to Cold Springs tonight.
November Sunday, 18 1866
It has been very windy today
but never mind it is the last Sunday on the ditch for this fall
if nothing happens to us.
Monday, 19
It has been raining very little last night.
I came through Schenectady this morning and went
as far as on the three mile level below upper.
Tuesday, 20
We got in Troy after six hours of hard labor but not to get rest.
There was somebody on deck all night long
making a noise so nobody could sleep.
November Wednesday, 21 1866
Yesterday morning I received my wages of John Keeler
and started out of Troy half past one o'clock in the afternoon
up to Rome about 8 o'clock.
Thursday, 22
I stayed in Rome last night.
This morning I got a change to ride to Taberg.
From there I had to walk a foot over to Thomas Waters.
The roads are muddy.
Friday, 23
I got up into the town of Lewis yesterday morning, the end of my journey at present.
I chopped a little wood yesterday.
Today we commenced on the shingle shop.
November Saturday, 24 1866
We have been busy all day working on the shingle shop.
It begun to storm this afternoon so we stopped to
board it up with slabs and get some boards.
Sunday, 25
It has stormed a very little this morning it begun to clear up about nine o'clock.
I started to go to Ineck after the crosscut saw.
Yesterday I went after butter. Paid $1.08 cents.
Monday, 26
The weather has changed.
It has been a very pleasant day.
We started at break of day this morning to saw logs.
Charley Parker drawed to the mill to have them sawed.
November Tuesday, 27 1866
Yesterday afternoon Christ went after a pig.
He got home about seven o'clock.
We commenced cutting shingle timber.
Today it was a very fine day.
Wednesday, 28
It is a blowing today.
We was cutting timber this morning.
It begun to rain about noon.
We came across some deer tracks this morning did not do anything afternoon.
Thursday, 29
Ever since yesterday noon it has been raining almost pouring down.
The snow is all gone.
The creek and springs are all a rising and roaring down the hill.
Wright Wilson is here.
November Friday, 30 1866
The weather is still unchanged.
It is a raining as hard as ever.
It has been raining over two days.
I have very east times when it rains until we get shingle timber.
December Saturday, 1 1866
The winter has begun.
Rain has turned into snow.
We cut some shingle timber.
We got enough for about one hundred and twenty bunches.
We want three hundred blocks.
Sunday, 2
This morning it was cold but as the sun kept rising the wind went down
so it was a very pleasant day
just such a day as I would have like to be out on a ride.
December Monday, 3 1866
It still keeps on a thawing.
Wood was up yesterday.
Christ and I have been to Charley Parker's this evening.
We had quite a time of it.
Tuesday, 4
It has been a very fine day to work in the woods.
We chopped about seventy-five blocks.
We have about enough timber cut down if we only had it to house.
Wednesday, 5
We have been working on the shop today.
Patsy brought up a load of lumber yesterday afternoon.
We would have finished it today if we had lumber enough.
December Thursday, 6 1866
The weather seems more like spring than as late as December.
We worked up all the lumber we drawed yesterday.
Crist has gone after D. Wood.
Friday, 7
It is growing colder.
It has froze very hard.
Last night Crist and Wood got here about eleven o'clock.
This morning they went to mill and drawed two logs.
Saturday, 8
This morning we made a skid way.
After that we went drawing logs.
It begun to rain about eleven o'clock so we had to stop.
I made a door for the shop this afternoon.
December Sunday, 9 1866
It stopped raining during the night and has been freezing during the day.
Alvin Dunbar and Charley Parker was here today.
Wood has gone home.
Monday, 10
We have been straightening things around today
and got ready for the shingle business.
I am unpacking frames and a shaving horse
and shaved some shingles this evening.
It goes fine.
Tuesday, 11
We had nothing to hinder us today.
I think we made over two bunches of shingles today.
Crist rises and does the cooking.
Duane and I do nothing but shave from morning.
December Wednesday, 12 1866
I filed the crosscut saw this morning and set it.
It saws better now.
We sawed up fifteen blocks today.
It looks so we are going to get a storm.
Thursday, 13
It began to snow about ten o'clock this morning.
It snowed until about four in the afternoon.
Crist has gone down to Charley Parker's to stay all night to go to Lee Center.
Friday, 14
It is getting to be quite cold.
We was working in the shop today.
I got an awful headache tonight.
I can hardly see to write this few lines.
December Saturday, 15 1866
It is clear today.
Crist got home this morning at nine o'clock.
Parker came up this noon to draw logs.
He drawed three logs this afternoon.
Sunday, 16
It has been a quiet forenoon but rather a stormy afternoon.
Wood was up here today and got a saw log.
I was out to Martin's after a draw shave.
Monday, 17
It snowed ever since yesterday afternoon
and fell about two foot and a half of snow.
It is getting pretty bad to get around in the woods.
We drawed four logs.
December Tuesday, 18 1866
It has been a very fine day.
I have been shaving shingles all day.
I am getting awful lonesome in these woods.
I have been alone for two days.
December Wednesday, 19 1866
The weather has changed.
It has been quite warm.
Today it is a snowing.
Charley Parker was up here drawing logs.
We drawed eleven logs today.
It is growing colder.
Thursday, 20
It has been the coldest day we have had this winter.
I went into the woods, cut the logs
and made roads to get to the rest of the trees.
December Friday, 21 1866
It has been most tremendous cold for the last two days.
I been shaving shingles today and ground my new shaving knife.
Saturday, 22
Today I been tinkering around.
Packed up our bunches of shingles and made three or four
bands. Been up in the woods after shingle bands. It is growing ( ).
Sunday, 23
It has been growing warmer the last day I been out of the woods.
Today it has been raining hard all day.
The snow is going off very fast.
December Monday, 24 1866
It has been very warm today.
The snow is going off very fast.
I have been making shingles.
Today there is a dance to Glenmore.
Tuesday, 25
It begun to snow this morning about ten o'clock.
I was rambling around all day.
I was down to Parker's saw mill and to I. Washburn's.
Wednesday, 26
I came home last night about dark.
It still keeps on snowing.
I have been busy making shingles all day.
We worked until eight o'clock.
December Thursday, 27 1866
Today I do not hardly know what to write.
The weather is fair and I am still making shingles
but it goes slow.
Friday, 28
The weather is changing.
I think we shall have some more snow.
I have filed both saws.
The hand saw was awful dull.
Saturday, 29
It has been snowing all day.
We had to saw in the storm for our lumber gave out.
I thought it was rather tough.
December Sunday, 30 1866
It has cleared up today and I had quite a time of it
stamping and shoveling roads.
We did not finish it.
Monday, 31
This is the last day of the year.
I have changed the program and went to Charley Parker's to cut logs.
We cut fifteen logs today.
There is going to be a dance to the centre and to every little place
but I don't see that I can go to any of them.
May it be for the best.
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